We can have an outside lab professionally and accurately analyze your Portland, ME home to determine levels of radon.
Radon is a colorless and odorless gas. The breakdown of uranium is leads to the formation of this tasteless gas. This gas creates the risk of developing lung cancer when it accumulates indoors.
Radon usually enters buildings through seams and cracks found in wall and floors. It can also enter a building through pipes, floor drains and sump holes. At times, radon may enter building from building materials and well water.
Health risks caused by radon
Breathing air with radon puts you at risk. In the United States, exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Over 21000 deaths are caused by radon related cancer are reported annually. Unfortunately, there is no safe level when it comes to radon. Any exposure puts you at risk. Smokers have a greater chance of developing cancer if they live in a home with radon.
Is it necessary to test for radon?
Close to 1 out of 15 homes n the United States has elevated levels of radon. The prevalence in Maine is even higher. It is impossible to know the real level of radon until a test is done. It is recommended that you have the test done every year because the levels change.
Even if there is a system that removes radon installed in the home you want to buy, it is recommended that you have the system tested to see if it is working effectively. The system may not be as effective as thought or there may be a leak! You never know!
What is the meaning of the test results?
The levels of radon is measured in pCi/L(picocuries per liter) of water or air. U.A EPA says that if you find a level of 4pCi/L or higher, you should do a follow up test to confirm the results. EPA recommends that a radon mitigation system has to be installed to keep the levels of radon below 4pCi/L.
Water from a private well should also be tested. The water has a different recommended level of radon. Steps should be taken to lower the levels of radon if they are above 2000pCi/L. The water should be taken to a certified water treatment professional so that you can get views on your specific case.
Is it possible to fix radon levels?
Elevated levels of radon in water and air can be corrected. Installing a radon mitigation system will help you remove the gas from the air in your home and deposit it outside before it accumulates. Radon levels in water can be reduced through aeration. Talk to a certified radon mitigation specialist to find a system that suits your home best.
The cost of reducing the levels of radon varies. In general, it cost between $1000 and $2000 for mitigation of air and between $3500 and $5000 for mitigation of water.
You should not hesitate to buy a home simply because it has elevated levels of radon. This is bescue it is possible to reduce the levels to a safe range.